Tuesday, October 15, 2013

30 Days of Things That Make Me Happy, Day 8

Day 8: Me Time

Me time makes me very happy. Even if it isn't for long, just going and sitting at an open mic night, or playing guitar in my room, or even just sitting down with a book, it's nice to have time to just relax.

Its important for anyone. Taking time to your self in the midst of a busy schedule can help calm, refresh, and recharge you for whatever the rest of your hectic week might throw at you. Just taking time to enjoy a hobby, listen to music, and do nothing for a little while.

Just don't overdo it. That's called complacency, and it sucks. Really. It sucks you in, and its a hard thing to get out of. Trust me, I fall into that trap far too often.

Find some time for yourself! I promise, its worth it.

Love, Aaron Jay

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