Saturday, October 19, 2013

30 Days of Things That Make Me Happy, Day 10

Day 10: Doctor Who and its Fandom

I love this show. I've never seen a show that literally has seasons that tie together. This show is amazing, and it's fandom is... Incredible.

Its fun to just look at comments, see what people think will happen, and see how right or wrong they are in the end. I love how many loose ends this show has, how many questions have gone unanswered for seasons at a time, but that you know will tie in eventually...

Doctor Who is literally unlike anything I have seen. My nerdiness basically begins and ends at Doctor Who.

And I freaking love it.

Love, Aaron Jay

Thursday, October 17, 2013

30 Days of Things That Make Me Happy, Day 9

I took a break yesterday, my day was a little crazy, but today we are back, with...

Day 9: Conversation

Today, I am thankful for and happy to have conversation. I love talking to people, from people I've known for years, to someone I just met. I love getting to know people, hearing their stories, knowing the insights that life has brought to them.

Everyone has a story, and everyone knows something you don't. The only way to learn, to see how other people live and what makes them tick, is conversation.

I love people, anyone who knows me will tell you that. And I love knowing people, and finding out more about who they are. It gives me different perspective on life. I highly recommend it.

Speaking of conversation, I'd love it hear your feedback! Give me your likes, dislikes, and give me some things that make YOU happy! Who knows, maybe I'll use it.

Love, Aaron Jay

Tuesday, October 15, 2013

30 Days of Things That Make Me Happy, Day 8

Day 8: Me Time

Me time makes me very happy. Even if it isn't for long, just going and sitting at an open mic night, or playing guitar in my room, or even just sitting down with a book, it's nice to have time to just relax.

Its important for anyone. Taking time to your self in the midst of a busy schedule can help calm, refresh, and recharge you for whatever the rest of your hectic week might throw at you. Just taking time to enjoy a hobby, listen to music, and do nothing for a little while.

Just don't overdo it. That's called complacency, and it sucks. Really. It sucks you in, and its a hard thing to get out of. Trust me, I fall into that trap far too often.

Find some time for yourself! I promise, its worth it.

Love, Aaron Jay

Monday, October 14, 2013

30 Days of Things That Make Me Happy, Day 7

Day 7: Pets

I love pets. I get asked if I'm a cat or dog person, and my answer is yes. Its great to have an adorable cat or dog to cuddle up with, or to sleep next to you at night. Its therapeutic to have pets, its scientifically proven.

I've had a lot of pets in my day. Cats, dogs, guinea pigs, rats, fish.... Some were more... Exciting than others, but they were mine nonetheless, and they rock.

Today I was kind of lazy in regards or this blog post, but really, pets are awesome. And tomorrow's post  will be better. Haha

Love, Aaron

Sunday, October 13, 2013

30 Days of Things That Make Me Happy, Day 6

Day 6: Art

Of all the things that make me happy, art is probably the highest on the list. I love art in every aspect, from writing, to painting and drawing, to dance, to music, and any other  form of creative expression. I just love it. It shows passion in ways that nothing else can.

Art gives you a glimpse of how someone sees life, joy, pain, heartbreak, love, beauty... All of these things and more can be given light thru it. Songs about sadness and heartbreak can be just as powerful as a painting of an exaggerated sunset, or a story about love, hatred, enemies, and friendships.

I think the thing I love most about it is the freedom behind it. No one can tell you how to paint what you're feeling. No one can teach you how to express your feelings thru music. It just is. Creativity is a huge deal, and its highly underrated.

I'm not a huge fan of the fact that art has become so commercialized. It doesn't make it as powerful. When what you create is based solely on the way people will see it, or how much money you may make from it, it becomes simple media.

Express yourself for you. That's the point of art. Vincent Van Gogh didn't paint what he did for his audiences. He had no audience. People thought he was crazy, that he had no future, and that his set was complete garbage. And now, his artwork is priceless. To have possession an original work of his art is unheard of, because any that are found are displayed in museums, much sought after by many of them.

So let's keep the "art" in "heart". Because honestly, your heart is where that stems from. Its far too easy to be pulled into a financial mindset and lose sight of what really mattered in the first place. You see this with musicians all the time. They start with such passion, and as they become more well known, the art begins to waiver, because what they create is for their audience alone.

Art is an amazing thing, so don't let it get lost in transition or commercialization.

Love, Aaron Jay

Saturday, October 12, 2013

30 Days of Things That Make Me Happy, Day 5

Day 5: Connections

Have you ever thought about the planet? Like, really thought about it? We stand on the ground, which connects us to every other person on earth. We all walk on the same planet, every road leads to another... If you look out your window, and look at the road, you are looking at something that connects every other person in the continent. You could walk from one end of the country to the other, if you wanted to. I could walk or ride my bike or drive a car to anyone. I could visit anyone on earth if I wanted to.

It makes you feel small, but it also makes you realize that anyone in within your reach.
Its a crazy thought, realizing how closely connected we all really are.

It makes me happy to know that, even the family I miss like crazy, is just a road away. It brings comfort to me.

Love, Aaron

PS: don't forget to leave your comments! I'd love to know who is reading, and their thoughts on the series so far!

Friday, October 11, 2013

30 Days of Things The Make Me Happy, Day 4, National Coming Out Day Edition

Day 4: Support, in honor of the 20th annual National Coming Out Day

Today, of all days, is a great day to talk about support. I love this more than almost anything. To have people who support me, whether in my sexuality, my music, or just life in general, is a huge blessing. Encouragement and love from those around me in an incredible thing.

If you hadn't heard before, today is National Coming Out Day. Of all the days, today is a great one to show your support. Be sure to let those around you know that you are there for them, and that they are important to you. Support is a HUGE deal for anyone looking to come out, and the more support you show for them, the more they feel loved and cared for. Keep in mind that, amidst all the support, there is also a lot of condemnation and hatred. But I can assure you, support means a lot more than hatred. The more you love, the happier everyone will be. Yourself included.

I can honestly say that coming out was a struggle for me. Bad reactions, while what I expected, were still very hard. However,the support I had from friends and family FAR outweighed the hardships. They encouraged me to be who I am, and showed they were proud of the fact that I could be myself.

It takes a lot of work to get to the point where you're ready, and I think that the longer you wait, the harder it becomes.

So here's to support! One of the happiest things I have ever seen.

Love, Aaron Jay